Sweet Geek

Thoughts on Health and Nutrition

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Big Plans

Screenshot of a piechart from my prototype website

Since quitting my job 6 weeks ago, I’ve been very busy! I am developing a health tracking website since everything I have used so far has gaps that end up discouraging me from recording all the data about my health that I wish to. My ambition is to create a site that lets you track any aspect of your health, generate reports and help identity associations like “dairy gives me headaches the next day”.

It’s a huge undertaking so I plan on staying unemployed until I’m finished. Hurray for indulgent husbands!

I would love to share more but 1) I wouldn’t want to over-promise and 2) who knows my “competition” could be reading my blog. :) The plan is to have a closed beta with friends and family and then open up the beta to anyone who would like to give it a shot and provide feedback.

So wish me luck and speedy coding!
